Her close friends call her MARIKA. Picture a girl from the frosty landscapes of Siberia and Ukraine who’s now finding her stride in Austria. She’s had her fair share of life’s roller-coaster rides, but you know what? She faced them all with a spark in her eyes and a never-give-up attitude.

When Mariia isn’t jotting down her life tales, you’d probably catch her deep in a yoga pose. As an she’s not just about getting that perfect stretch. No, it’s deeper than that. It’s about guiding folks like you and me to a little pocket of peace in this chaotic world.

Oh, and here’s a fun fact: Mariia can crunch numbers like a pro. Yep, when she’s not on her yoga mat or penning down memories, she’s knee-deep in tax papers, making sure everyone’s got their financial ducks in a row.

From captivating stories yoga insights, to tax tidbits – Mariia’s world is as varied as it gets. Fancy a ride through her adventures? Stick around; it’s bound to be a journey worth tagging along.